Laboratory Tools

Laboratory Tools is a collection of subprograms and tools designed to meet various software needs of your clinical laboratory team from recordkeeping to inventory management and monitoring expiration dates.


Program Features

Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Daily Log Sheet

Keeps a daily log of patients, and laboratory tests performed.

  • Add patients to the log using the DLS toolbar.
  • Easily generate daily or monthly summaries of patient counts for each patient type or location.
  • Find tests and generate volume reports for your specified date range.
  • Easily view each patient’s tests history.
  • Duplicate Tests Warning for panels containing overlapping tests. 
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Digital File Cabinet

Manage scanned documents like copies of patient orders, analyzer printouts, patient results and other important documents.

  • Go paperless and manage scanned documents using the Digital File Cabinet.
  • Laboratory documents have different retention requirements.  This subprogram allows you to keep digital copies of your documents indefinitely without taking up any storage space.
  • Keep your frequently used laboratory forms under Shared Forms.
  • Setup Digital File Cabinet with your Document Scanner to easily save and manage your documents.
  • Works with Lab Standing Orders for managing standing orders ordered by providers who send paper orders.
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Laboratory QC Reminders

Set up QC reminders for your team.

  • Works with the Daily Log Sheet (DLS) Toolbar and uses keywords to trigger QC alerts.
  • Setup different QC schedules like AM Maintenance, Once a Day or Every 8 Hours.
  • When QC alerts are triggered, a small window showing a list of QCs that need done will appear.
  • Works with Laboratory Kit QC Manager and shows an additional screen where you can add information like lot number, expiration date and tech initials if enabled.
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Laboratory Kit QC Manager

Keeps a log of QCs done on non-interfaced test kits in the laboratory.

  • Keeps track of the date, test name, lot number, expiration date, staff name and QC results.
  • Managed access for authorized laboratory personnel.
  • Works with Laboratory QC Reminders for a quick and easy way of adding new QC entries.
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Hematology Cell Counter

Electronic fully customizable Hematology counter for manual differential counts, reticulocyte counts and manual platelet estimates.

  • Users can create profiles and customize keyboard hotkeys for counting cells.
  • Separate tabs for manual differential count, reticulocyte count and platelet count.
  • Add patient information, physician name and diagnosis for saving results or for printing.
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Patient Transfusion History

Electronic log of patients’ blood bank information, blood types and transfusion history.

  • Keeps a permanent record of patients’ blood types and transfusion history.
  • Backup database if your main Laboratory Information System (LIS) is down.
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Pathology Log Book

Electronic log for pathology or cytology specimens dropped off by the clinic or surgical team.

  • Specimen log entries are entered in mainly by the clinic or surgical team before dropping off specimens.
  • Administrator level access can view all log entries.  User level access can only view log entries entered by the user.
  • Enter relevant information like tissue removed, pathological diagnosis, clinical findings and associated charges.
Laboratory Tools Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Laboratory Standing Orders

Electronic log of non-electronic (paper) standing orders sent by outside providers.

  • Scan and attach PDF copies of paper standing orders from outside providers.
  • Displays relevant information like patient name, tests ordered, test frequency, physician and expiration date.
  • Email notifications are sent to alert the laboratory team if orders have expired.
  • View or print scanned orders with a click of a button.
  • Generate a reminder letter to notify providers that their orders have expired.
Department Task Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Department Task Manager

Keep an electronic log of assigned tasks and maintenance procedures, and send out email reminders when tasks are due.

  • Coordinate with your team and organize tasks with tabs segregating them by task groups or by analyzer maintenance checklists.
  • Organize your tasks into groups and setup individual task items according to their descriptions, frequency, types and values.
  • Set up reminders for your team and each user will be notified by email once per day with a list of past due reminders.
  • Click here to learn more about Department Task Manager.
Inventory Tracker Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Inventory Tracker

Manage your department’s inventory items, setup email notifications, setup minimum ordering threshold, generate an order list and monitor item quantities and expiration dates.

  • Easily view your department’s inventory items, set up filters and groups, and monitor PAR levels and expiration dates.
  • Generate an order list for your department using an AI algorithm.
  • Effectively collaborate with your team when it comes to ordering inventory items with the Department Inventory Order List.
  • Click here to learn more about Inventory Tracker.
Waiting Area Patient tracker Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Waiting Area Patient Tracker

Outpatient notification system that notifies the lab when they have patients who are ready for them in the waiting area.

  • Assign roles for your team members, manage your providers database and setup ASCOM notifications if applicable.
  • Registration Staff can check patients in using the Registration Check In Toolbar, which will alert the laboratory that they have patients waiting for them in designated waiting areas.
  • Click here to learn more about Waiting Area Patient Tracker.

Additional Features Include:

  • Password protection and encryption
  • Managed Security: Assign Users who have access to laboratory tools.
  • Custom Software: Additional Features can be added to meet your needs.

Daily Log Sheet & QC Reminders Tutorial Video

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