Infection Control Manager

This subprogram is an infection control surveillance tool used for record keeping, evaluating each case using the revised McGeer checklist tool and determining whether it meets the LOEB minimum criteria for initiating antibiotic therapy.


Program Features

Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Easily Create a Record of Patient Symptoms

User-friendly interface for logging in newly assessed patient symptoms associated with infections for easy collaboration and tracking.  Infection Preventionist will be able to quickly access these records from the database.

  • Set filters by Patient Name and Date of Observation
  • Color coded and easy-to-use user interface
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Evaluate Symptoms with the McGeer Criteria Infection Surveillance Checklist

Check to see if symptoms meet the McGeer Criteria for Infection Surveillance Checklist before initiating treatment.  With our user-friendly interface, you can easily complete this step with ease.


  • Easy-to-use McGeer Criteria Checklist for each patient encounter.
  • Uses color coding for easy visualization.  If it meets criteria, the background turns green.
  • Generate printout of completed McGeer Criteria Checklist.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Evaluate Symptoms with the LOEB Minimum Criteria for Initiating Antibiotic Therapy

Check to see if symptoms meet the LOEB Minimum Criteria for initiating antibiotic therapy.  

  • With the built-in LOEB Criteria checker, you can easily check symptoms if they meet criteria for initiating antibiotic treatment.
  • Uses color coding for easy visualization.  If it meets criteria, the background turns green.
  • Generate printout of completed LOEB Minimum Criteria Checklist.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Manage Test Findings and Reports

Under Test Findings, you can easily keep a record of culture results, pathogens isolated, sensitivity results and scanned laboratory results.

  • Keep a record of procedures done including laboratory and radiology tests.
  • Keep a log of pathogens isolated including bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc.
  • If sensitivity testing is performed, you can enter them manually to generate an antibiogram report for your facility.
  • Upload scanned documents and test results for each encounter.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Record Test Treatment and Procedures

Under Treatment, you can easily keep a record of treatment and procedures done.

  • Keep a log of treatment and procedures performed..
  • Add treatment notes to collaborate with your team members.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Add Nursing Notes to Collaborate with you Team

Under Nursing Notes, you can add comments and notes related to the care provided for each encounter.

  • Easily add Nursing Notes to share with your team.
  • Chat-like interface with time stamps so users can add comments to each note.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Generate User Audit Logs Report

User Audit Logs automatically keeps track of all changes made by any user in each encounter.

  • Keeps track of all user activities and changes automatically.
  • Date and time stamped log entries can be viewed separately under each encounter.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Generate a Report of Patients' Infection Records

With a click of a button, you can generate a report of a patient’s infection history including each encounter’s McGeer and LOEB Criteria completion status.

  • Shows patient’s entire history of current and past infections in the database.
  • Easily check the status of McGeer and LOEB Criteria Checklist in each patient encounter.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Generate an Antibiogram Report for your Facility

Easily generate an antibiotic sensitivity or antibiogram report for patients in your facility.

  • Creates a summary of sensitivity rate for antibiotics used or antibiogram report based on entered sensitivity results.
  • Maintain compliance with reporting agencies in your state.
Infection Control Manager Infosys by IGTSOFT LLC Subprogram Hospital Long Term Nursing Facilities Assisted Living

Manage Your Database with our easy-to-use Interface

Easily manage your database with just a few clicks.

  • Manage patients, providers and infectious agents under Manage Database.
  • Patient database is encrypted for added privacy and security.

Additional Features Include:

  • Password protection and encryption
  • Managed Security: Assign Users and Administrators on your team.
  • Custom Software: Additional Features can be added to meet your needs.

1 Comment

  1. […] Infection Control ManagerThis subprogram is an infection control surveillance tool used for record keeping, evaluating each case using the revised McGeer checklist tool and determining whether it meets the LOEB minimum criteria for initiating antibiotic therapy. […]

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